Luigi Guffanti Cave Ripened Taleggio

Luigi Guffanti Cave Ripened Taleggio

from A$15.00

Val Taleggio, Lombardy, Italy

Pasteurised cows milk, non animal rennet

Washed rind,

Matured 10 - 12 weeks AIRFREIGHTED

This cheese is washed in seawater once a week while being matured in caves as per tradition. The DOP state that is must be at least 48% fat content giving it a luscious soft yet chewy texture. The smell is a little pungent and yeasty with a slight lactic sourness which complements the buttery and tangy flavours.

Taleggio is fantastic for cooking as it melts well into sauces, on pizza and toastie.

It goes well with earthy flavours such as mushrooms,thyme, oregano or a Nebbiolo wine.

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